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Sunday, 07/14/1991 Townshend Family Park, Townshend, VT

Set 1: Reba Llama The Squirming Coil Golgi Apparatus Guelah Papyrus My Sweet One Colonel Forbin's Ascent Fly Famous Mockingbird The Sloth I Didn't Know[1] Possum[2]

Set 2: Suzy Greenberg[3] Caravan[3] Divided Sky[3] Gumbo[3] Dinner and a Movie[3] Bouncing Around the Room[3] Split Open and Melt[3] Magilla[3] Cavern[3] Run Like an Antelope[3]

Set 3: AC/DC Bag[3] The Landlady[3] Esther Chalk Dust Torture Bathtub Gin[3] Mike's Song[3] I Am Hydrogen[3] Weekapaug Groove[3] Hold Your Head Up[3] Touch Me[4] Harry Hood

Encore: Contact[3] Big Black Furry Creature from Mars[3]

[1] Fish on trombone.
[2] Charlie Chan and Oom Pa Pa signals.
[3] Giant Country Horns.
[4] Giant Country Horns and Fish on trombone.

Notes: This show featured The Giant Country Horns for all of the second set, all of the third set except for Esther, Chalk Dust, and Hood, and for the encore. The show began with a humorous announcement from Trey that he felt “overdressed” during National Nudist Week. My Sweet One included a tease of the Bonanza theme and Magilla included a Flintstones theme tease. I Didn't Know, in which Fish was introduced as "Hank," and Touch Me featured Fish on trombone. Possum included Charlie Chan and Oom Pa Pa signals as well as a Dave’s Energy Guide tease, while Weekapaug included more DEG teases. Trey introduced the Giant Country Horns at the end of Antelope and during BBFCFM. There was a long wait during HYHU for Fish, who was apparently in the bathroom. Hood included full-band Jeopardy! theme teases. This show ran much longer than scheduled (at one point, when Trey noted that they should wind up the show, a fan urged the band to “fuck the clock”), prompting Trey to beg the crowd to leave in a timely and orderly fashion after the encore.

This show was part of the "1991 Giant Country Horns Summer Tour."

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