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Saturday, 08/03/1991 Larrabee Farm, a.k.a. Amy’s Farm, Auburn, ME

Soundcheck: Poor Heart, Crimes of the Mind (with The Dude of Life), Bitchin' Again (with The Dude of Life)

Set 1: Wilson Foam Runaway Jim Guelah Papyrus Llama Fee The Squirming Coil Poor Heart The Sloth Divided Sky Golgi Apparatus

Set 2: The Curtain Reba Chalk Dust Torture Bouncing Around the Room Tweezer Esther Cavern I Didn't Know You Enjoy Myself[1] Rocky Top

Set 3: Stash Ya Mar Fluffhead Lawn Boy My Sweet One The Lizards Buried Alive[2] Possum

Encore: Magilla Self[3] Bitchin' Again[4] Crimes of the Mind[5]

Encore 2: Harry Hood

[1] “No gerbils in your bottom" vocal jam.
[2] Jamie Janover on didgeridoo.
[3] The Dude of Life on vocals.
[4] Phish debut; The Dude of Life and Sofi Dillof on vocals.
[5] Phish debut; The Dude of Life on vocals.

Notes: This was a free show. YEM and Possum featured I Love Lucy theme teases. YEM also featured an infamous "no gerbils in your bottom" vocal jam. The theme from Rawhide was also quoted in the vocal jam. Buried Alive featured Jamie Janover on didgeridoo. Self, Bitchin' Again, and Crimes of the Mind (the last two Phish debuts) featured The Dude of Life, and Bitchin' Again also featured Sofi Dillof. Self was played for the first time since September 13, 1990 (121 shows). Mike and Fish teased Shoeless Joe before set three and the encore. Trey teased Rhythm-A-Ning in Magilla.

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